25 thoughts on “Euro 2012 | Après Match: A Message from Angela”

  1. If You want to see germanies best inpersonation of Chancellor Merkel /watch?v=cAzKISZjZ6E

    …believe me it is worth the time – even if You dont understand german 🙂

  2. The other response nails it; in this depiction Merkel = Dr No/Blofield/any other Bond villain, more in line with fictional movie characters….whoever gave you the nazi salutes are just ignorant idiots..

  3. very sorry to hear that you are getting some abuse for simply being a German. i dont think theres any genuine hatred towards any Germans here, or in Germany. we have always had good relations with the german people. i guess we dont like any one country to have so much say over our future. plus i dont think that the merkel depicted here is meant to be any sort of historical figure, the white cat at the end surely is meant to show her as a Bond-type villain.

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